Kiddies School Program account opening for Minors
Only minors opening accounts under the Kiddies School Program will be granted a special entrance fee, passbook cover free. While the credit union follows mandatory shares to be ($20.00 Bze) upon opening an account, only in this program, minors will be accepted to open their account with less than mandatory shares with the aim of them saving towards the mandatory shares on a reasonable time.

BRFP Account Openings
Only individuals opening account under the BRFP program will be exempted from any fees upon opening their account. While the credit union follows mandatory shares to be ($20.00 Bze) upon opening an account, only in this program, members will be accepted to open their account with less than mandatory shares with the aim of them saving towards the mandatory shares on a reasonable time.
Accounts for Business and Organizations
Accounts held in the name of an organization or association for business purpose are subject to the following terms and conditions:
- Board resolution authorizing the opening of the account and conferring authority on the signatories to operate the account.
- Name of the corporate entity and date of commencement.
- Principal place of business.
- Contact information eg. business phone number, email address, fax etc..
- Copy of original or certified copy of the company’s certificate of incorporation registered under the Belize Companies Act.
- Identity of shares holders who own and have control over the company/organization’s assets, company/organization.
- Copy of last audited financial statement if applicable.
- List of owners, officers, directors of the company/organization if applicable.
- Nature of the business and source of funds.